奥克兰美术馆(Auckland Art Gallery)奥克兰美术馆是新西兰奥克兰市最重要的美术馆。
地址:新西兰奥克兰 Corner Kitchener and Wellesley Streets Auckland 1010
电话:+64 9 379 1349、+64 9 980 5333
开放时间:每天上午10点到下午5点(圣诞节除外)Open every day 10am — 5pm.Except Christmas day
- 名称:奥克兰美术馆(Auckland Art Gallery)
- 成立时间:1888年
- 地位:新西兰第一个拥有固定展览的美术馆
- 规模:内部面积广阔,展品丰富
- 奥克兰美术馆斥资1.12亿新元重新装修,于2011年重新开幕,增加了玻璃和木材的中庭设计。
- 其主体建筑为1877年建成的法国城堡式风格,与新添加的设计元素相得益彰,展现出独特的艺术魅力。
- 奥克兰美术馆广泛收集了新西兰和世界其他国家的艺术作品,展品涵盖了从1376年至现代的各种艺术作品,包括新西兰历史艺术、现代艺术、当代艺术以及毛利人和太平洋岛国艺术家的作品。
- 美术馆内收藏有达利、德朗、马蒂斯、蒙特里安等著名画家的画作,以及毕加索为自己的家人所创作的“集体肖像画”等珍贵艺术品。这幅毕加索的作品创作于1951年,是毕加索的代表作之一,也被誉为奥克兰美术馆的“镇馆之宝”。
- 除了固定展览外,奥克兰美术馆还会定期举办一些国际性的展览,吸引世界各地的艺术爱好者前来参观。
- 奥克兰美术馆不仅是一个艺术品的展示场所,还致力于艺术教育的普及和推广。美术馆扩大了教学区,方便学生来此参观学习,并提供了家庭互动的空间。
- 在美术馆内,游客还可以找到咖啡店和礼品店,方便休憩和购物。
- 奥克兰美术馆的展览内容丰富多样,包括绘画、摄影、装置等各种形式的作品,展现了文化、民族、宗教的多元和兼容气息。
- 美术馆的布展设计精心,分布在两层楼内,老少咸宜,为游客提供了良好的参观体验。
Auckland Art Gallery
Auckland Art Gallery is a cultural leader in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our purpose is to be a place for art and a catalyst for ideas. We offer experiences that strengthen and enrich our communities, and we value collaboration and dialogue.
Audiences are at the heart of all our activities, which extend out from the Gallery’s home in the arts and learning precinct of Auckland’s central city. We provide visitors with fresh ways to think about art and participate in creativity. Expand your cultural horizons through our remarkable collection and by experiencing our temporary exhibitions. Join the conversations generated by our innovative visitor events, outreach activities and education programmes, and become part of our connected community.
With multiple exhibition spaces spreading across four levels of our award-winning building, we are the largest and most inspiring visual arts experience in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our collection and loan collections currently number more than 18,000 artworks. Together, they include major holdings of New Zealand historic, modern and contemporary art. Alongside outstanding works by Māori and Pacific artists, they represent significant international painting, sculpture and print collections.
New thinking and research informs our programming, which is supported by the resources of the E H McCormick Research Library and the Conservation Research Centre. Our publishing programme turns exhibition ideas and other research into books and online publications that keep connecting people with ideas and with each other.
As the fastest growing city in Australasia, Auckland has strong Māori and Pacific populations, as well as an expanding Asian demographic. In this context, we play a vital role as an inclusive hub for creativity for the city’s diverse communities.